Avoid sharing mobile numbers of yours or others. ( if you share or socialize third-party mobile number, it will fall into cyber offense, and cyber laws will punish you)
Do not share underage images. ( this is a severe crime, and we do not tolerate child exploitation, no matter where you are, we will make sure you get arrested for such a hideous crime)
Do not share/upload morphed pictures of others or actresses.
Avoid sharing social accounts (email, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) or any social id of yours or others.
Do not spam or abuse anyone.
Do not engage in chat trolls or bully others.
Do not criticize or pass comments based on religion or gender.
Respect other chatters the same way your respect yourself.
Give equal space to everyone to communicate and engage in the chat conversation.
Do not engage in hack attempts.
Do not imposter as other chatters.
Do not blackmail chatters in the name of sextortion.
Do not engage in cyberstalking users to make them fall prey to your selfish acts.